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Youplus participated in the 2023 MSPA European Conference

Release time:2023-06-01 Clicks: 346 Return

On May 23-25, 2023, General Manager of Youplus arrived in Albufeira to attend the annual MSPA European conference, with the theme of "The Human Asset-Driving Operational Excellence-Recongning the Value of People, Process and Technology". Youplus was the only China research company to attend this conference.

At this annual conference, practitioners in the field of mystery shopping from all over the world gathered together. The organizer invited several excellent practitioners in the field of mystery shopping to share practical experience and knowledge in the industry by means of case studies, and to exchange ideas with participants.

General manager of Youplus listened carefully to different industry research cases and found the sharing very deep and practical. The whole conference process is compact and rich. At the same time, through the exchange and collision of views with other participants, participants gave opinions and suggestions on related issues, and also formed many new ideas and opinions, better understood the industry trends and development trends, and established friendship with international counterparts. Generally speaking, this annual conference is an inspiring and meaningful activity, which has benefited a lot.

Committed to combining international standards and advanced practices with the specific situation of China, and providing international and professional quality services for enterprises in China has always been the unremitting pursuit of Youplus. After the conference, General Manager of Youplus visited Albufeira, the city where the conference was held, and Lisbon, the Portuguese capital.

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