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【The Sun Scatters the Clouds, Going by the Light】——Welcome Annual Meeting of Youplus 2023

Release time:2023-01-14 Clicks: 1060 Return

At 15: 00 on January 13th, 2023, the "2022 Year-end Summary and 2023 Welcome Annual Meeting" with the development theme of "Let the Clouds Rise and the Sun Shine" was held in the office concisely, and employees from other regions participated in it by live online broadcast.

At the beginning of the new year, the general manager of Youplus gave a New Year greeting to all employees, and made a summary of 2022 at the meeting, affirming everyone's efforts in 2022, and made specific plans and arrangements for the work in 2023. The haze gradually dispersed, and the clouds opened and the sun rose. After 2022, the scenery in front of us is suddenly clear. In the next 2023, let's sail together and move forward to the light.

Heaven rewards hard work and bears fruitful results, and spring flowers and autumn fruits are another year. In the third year affected by the Covid, Youplus was diligent and pragmatic, and made great efforts, and also achieved good results. After the speech session, we commend and award the employees and teams that have achieved outstanding results in 2022.

There are nine awards, namely: excellent employees, excellent managers, best performance teams, advanced individuals, outstanding newcomers, outstanding contribution awards, excellent customer service, annual spirit card awards, and long-term service awards, which include senior interviewers, five-year contributions, and ten-year meritorious service.

2023 is a brand-new starting point. Let's meet new challenges together, work hard and be pioneers in the new era and new journey!

Finally, all the staff of Youplus wish you all the best in the new year: everything goes well and everyone gets what they want!

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