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Empowering China brand to go aboard, Youplus is in action!

Release time:2023-09-01 Clicks: 358 Return

Youplus officially launched "Sailing Plan" to empower China brand to go aboard!

Brand going abroad means that enterprises expand their own brands and products and services to foreign markets in order to seek greater business opportunities and global development. With the promotion of global economic integration and the rapid development of digital technology, brand going abroad has become a strategic choice for more and more enterprises. However, it is not easy for brands to go abroad, and they need to face various challenges and risks. Therefore, the whole society needs to participate and promote together to achieve the goal of brand empowerment and going abroad.

Brand empowerment refers to providing support and help for enterprises to achieve competitive advantage and commercial success in the international market. This can include the integration of various resources, such as market research, marketing strategy, brand communication, channel expansion and so on. The government, industry associations, business alliances, enterprises and other parties can all play a role together to provide support and empowerment for the brand to go abroad.

Youplus is a professional market research company focusing on the service monitoring of outlets and channels. Its main service target is the chain and window retail service industry. Youplus has standardized project flow, mature investigation system, rich project experience, covering the global implementation network, and is committed to providing customers with accurate, efficient and convincing research data. In August, 2023, Youplus officially launched the "Sailing Plan" to empower China brands to go abroad, providing relevant market research services for opening stores in the foreign countries to empower local brands in China.

Youplus has maintained good cooperative relations with more than 20 foreign research companies for a long time, with more than 40 cooperative projects every year, covering luxury goods, clothing, automobiles, restaurants, cosmetics, mobile phones, hotel chains and other industries, and being familiar with international project operation standards and requirements. Youplus is also a senior member of MSPA, and is invited to participate in conferences around the world every year to learn from the good experiences and practices of international market research companies. It has also established a stable cooperative relationship with international market research companies and established a global implementation network, which has provided strong support for overseas market research.

In the journey of brand going aboard, everyone can play a role, whether it is government, enterprise or individual. Only through joint efforts can more brands go abroad, spread China's brand culture and innovative spirit to all parts of the world, and promote the global rise of China's economy. Brand going aboard is a challenging but also full of opportunities. To achieve sustainable development and the success of globalization, we need the joint participation and efforts of the whole society. Let's sail together to contribute to the journey of the brand going aboard and create a better future!

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