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China Welfare Lottery 2021 Mystery Shopping Market Monitoring Summary Report Meeting Was a Complete Success

Release time:2022-01-05 Clicks: 1007 Return

On January 4th, 2022, China Welfare Lottery 2021 Mystery Shopping Market Monitoring Summary Report Meeting was held in the conference room of China Welfare Lottery Issuance Management Center. The meeting was attended by the supervision and inspection office of China Welfare Lottery Issuance Management Center, the main business departments, the main leaders of provincial welfare lottery issuance management centers and the project director of Youplus.

The meeting was made by the project director of Youplus as a summary report of the 2021 mystery shopping. This market monitoring adopts the method of unannounced visits by mystery shoppers, and the inspection contents include 59 sub-indicators in six aspects, including hardware facilities, personnel services and business compliance. The report interprets the survey data in layers, deeply analyzes the existing problems and reasons, and puts forward relevant suggestions for the supervision and management of welfare lottery in China by combining the advanced management experience of lottery industry at home and abroad.
The results of the project have been reviewed by four university experts and one lottery industry expert. The five experts agree that the market monitoring survey report has high reference value and meets the acceptance requirements.

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