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[The Storm Does Not Shake, but the Air Bears the Distance] —— Welcome Annual Meeting of Youplus 2022

Release time:2022-01-27 Clicks: 997 Return

Say goodbye to the old year with laughter and welcome the new year with smile. At 10: 00 on January 22nd 2022, the "2021 Year-end Summary and 2022 New Year's Meeting" with the theme of "The storm will not shake, but it will bear the distance" was successfully held. Employees of Youplus gathered to sum up the gains and progress in 2021, look forward to the brand-new 2022, and commend the employees who have achieved excellent results. At the beginning of the annual meeting, the general manager of Youplus read a New Year speech to all employees. Then he made a summary of 2021 at the meeting, affirmed everyone's efforts and efforts in 2021, and made specific plans and arrangements for the work in 2022.2022 is full of challenges and expectations. William hope that in the new year, everyone will look up at the stars, be down-to-earth, and work together to create a better tomorrow.

Looking back on 2021, under the continuous influence of the Covid-19, Youplus is still developing steadily. After the speech session, we commend and award the employees and teams that have made outstanding achievements in 2021. There are 13 awards in this award, which are: excellent employees, excellent managers, teams with the best performance, advanced individuals, outstanding newcomers, outstanding contributions, excellent customer service, annual spirit card award, performance TOP3 award, long-term service award for senior interviewers, skills competition award and long-term service award (five years, ten years).

After the awarding session, the exciting lottery session brought the atmosphere to a climax. Let's share the joy of the lucky ones!

Spring is all over the vegetation, and the atmosphere is full of mountains and rivers. In the new year, Youplus will, as always, forge ahead by staying true to the mission.

The storm will not shake, but it will bear the distance.

Let's get together and go to a new journey!

Finally, all the staff of Youplus wish you all the best in the new year: Long Xiang Hu Yue, Hu Zhao Feng Nian!

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