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Love Alma Mater and Donate to Teach ——Youplus Donated 500,000 RMB Scholarship to Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics

Release time:2022-06-06 Clicks: 1016 Return

As Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics, here called Jiangcai is about to celebrate its centenary birthday, Mr. William Hu, the CEO and general manager of Guangzhou Youplus Marketing Research Co Ltd., generously donated 500,000 CNY as a "scholarship" for THE International Economic and Trade College of Jiangcai to reward outstanding teachers who have made important contributions to teaching and educating people.

On the morning of June 1st, 2022, a grand donation signing ceremony was held in Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics. William Hu, President Deng Hui, Vice President Yuan Xiong, Director of Alumni Office Pan Hua, leaders of Alumni Association and relevant leaders of International Economic and Trade College attended the signing ceremony. The ceremony was presided over by Wu Chaoyang, Dean of International Business School.

President Deng Hui extended a warm welcome to the alumni and their back to their alma mater, expressed heartfelt thanks to William Hu for donating to teach, and paid sincere tribute to the Guangdong Alumni Association for its continuous support. He briefly introduced the recent development of schools and colleges. He pointed out that this alumni donation has brought warmth, hope and strength to everyone. He expects alumni to continue to care for and support the development of their alma mater, and work together to help the school move toward the goal of a national first-class digital finance and economics university. Looking forward to cooperation with Youplus in a wider field in the development of the school. Expect alumni to be attached to the economic development of Jiangxi while being attached to their alma mater; It is expected that alumni enterprises returning to Jiangxi will expand their territory and take root in our school's industry-education integration park. Yuan Xiong, vice president, expressed heartfelt thanks to alumni for feeding back and returning to their alma mater, and hoped that the alumni enterprises would become better and better.

Mr William Hu thanked the school and teachers for their teaching, encouragement and support. He said that Jiangcai is the place to sow entrepreneurial seeds. The knowledge gained in Jiangcai, the ability to exercise and the self-confidence cultivated are his eternal wealth. Today's achievements can't be separated from the training of his alma mater and the teaching of teachers. He wish his alma mater a better future and train more talents for the society.

At the donation ceremony, Deng Hui presented a donation certificate to William Hu on behalf of the school. Yuan Xiong accepts donation checks on behalf of the school. Pan Hua, William Hu and Wu Chaoyang signed the donation agreement on behalf of the three parties respectively.

Mr. William Hu were also invited to attend the Alumni Growth Forum at the Institute of International Business and Economics. Alumni communicated with students in school from the aspects of academic growth, career choice and entrepreneurial practice, and the atmosphere was warm.

Over the years, Mr. William Hu, the founder of Youplus, has always maintained a strong sense of social responsibility and actively participated in charity. He also continued to practice his initial heart and responsibility with practical actions. Youplus led by him, while achieving certain commercial achievements, insisted on fulfilling its social responsibilities, helped social progress by participating in public welfare activities, and demonstrated the social responsibility, dedication and humanistic care of the enterprise.

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